We guarantee the health of puppies purchased from Chowifornia against debilitating genetic defects and can no longer function as a pet for their first year with the replacement of the puppy or a full refund. If diagnosed and properly documented by a certified veterinarian and confirmed by our veterinarian. Note: The veterinarian must state in writing that the condition will prevent the dog from leading a reasonably normal life. If you choose to have corrective surgery to address the condition, which will enable the dog to lead a reasonably normal life with a normal life expectancy, our guarantee will not apply.
However, if you must have your dog euthanized based on your health provider’s prognosis, then our guarantee will apply with written proof of said euthanization. This guarantee does not include uneven bites, undropped testicles or umbilical hernia, and or entropion. Unless otherwise specified, all vet bills for corrective surgery, cosmetic surgery, shots and normal health care, euthanasia, spay/neuter and also travel costs are responsibility of the buyer.
To validate our guarantee, you will be required to provide us with officially certified documentation from your veterinarian within 15 days of diagnoses, to include copies of X-rays, which can then be evaluated by our vet. Once you have provided us with the necessary documentation and we have confirmed the diagnosis with our vet, we will provide you with your chosen option of a replacement puppy or a full refund, based on our guarantee, as soon as we have availability at our discretion. We will try to provide you with a puppy of the same sex, accepting the fact that we are at the mercy of Mother Nature for numbers, colors and sex. Waiting time for a replacement puppy will vary depending on the number of litters we have at any given time. It will be the responsibility of the owner of a replacement puppy to incur all financial costs associated with vaccinations, microchipping, transportation and California State sales tax.
Puppies are released for pickup when they are 8 weeks old. Any non-genetic health issues must be diagnosed within 72 hours from time of pickup, documented, and will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Please note that Chowifornia cannot be held financially liable for any veterinary costs
incurred with the treatment of your pet.
NOTICE: This health guarantee will remain valid if the current owners of Chowifornia,
Anthony & Jennifer Thomason, maintain their current kennel operation as a business. In the event they terminate their kennel business, this guarantee will immediately cease to be valid and they will be absolved of any future obligations under this guarantee effective the date of said termination.